- 👋 Hi, I’m @fyrfli
- 👀 I’m interested in all sorts of things. I have been a database and system administrator and now trying to expand my skills.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Front End Development on Udemy.com
- 💞️ I’m not looking to collaborate on anything at the moment. Still learning.
- 📫 How to reach me: check out my profile - my email address is there.
- ✍🏾 I am currently storing my projects locally at https://gitlab.fyrf.li/camille and https://gitlab.fyrf.li/fyrfli
Until I set up a homepage and organise my projects hierarchically, here a couple projects I have been working on in my spare (ha!) time:
- Shadows and transformations - inspired by my current Udemy course)
- Frontend Mentor QR Code Component challenge
- Grids - inspired by my next Frontend Mentor challenge
Stay tuned for me.