Camille Frantz fyrfli
  • WebDev neophyte, long-time Bibliovore, aspiring Writer, hobbyist Photographer, True Crime enthusiast (and not just your pop-style murder), PupperMom, Gamer, FLOSS lover, Debian fan, and Self-Hosting geek...

  • Joined on 2024-02-14
fyrfli pushed to main at fyrfli/release-tracker-bot 2024-12-09 10:39:01 -06:00
396f5bab4b add borgbackup to the list of release to check for
fyrfli pushed to main at fyrfli/release-tracker-bot 2024-11-26 09:41:27 -06:00
bf365c3c90 added borg, atuin, fishshell, oh-my-posh, and chezmoi to checker
fyrfli pushed to main at fyrfli/release-tracker-bot 2024-11-25 10:54:40 -06:00
b129f9f55f added borgbackup to list
fyrfli pushed to main at fyrfli/jsquotes 2024-11-08 13:02:32 -06:00
be486844bf added license
Compare 2 commits »
fyrfli commented on pull request fyrfli/jsquotes#2 2024-11-08 12:55:48 -06:00

Looks good!

fyrfli pushed to main at fyrfli/jsquotes 2024-11-08 12:55:39 -06:00
2e2fbc6e68 Merge pull request 'rm-public' (#2) from rm-public into main
78ae9187d5 forgot to alter the workflow to use cwd and .excludes instead of public/
81ef2089e0 change workflow to also trigger on pull_request?
46075c641b setting up to rscync from local directory using .gitea/.excludes
18a74e3b0b moving public/* to .
Compare 5 commits »
fyrfli merged pull request fyrfli/jsquotes#2 2024-11-08 12:55:38 -06:00
fyrfli created pull request fyrfli/jsquotes#2 2024-11-08 12:53:12 -06:00
fyrfli pushed to rm-public at fyrfli/jsquotes 2024-11-08 12:51:27 -06:00
78ae9187d5 forgot to alter the workflow to use cwd and .excludes instead of public/
fyrfli pushed to rm-public at fyrfli/jsquotes 2024-11-08 12:50:16 -06:00
81ef2089e0 change workflow to also trigger on pull_request?
fyrfli pushed to rm-public at fyrfli/jsquotes 2024-11-08 12:48:51 -06:00
46075c641b setting up to rscync from local directory using .gitea/.excludes
fyrfli created branch rm-public in fyrfli/jsquotes 2024-11-08 12:42:42 -06:00
fyrfli pushed to rm-public at fyrfli/jsquotes 2024-11-08 12:42:42 -06:00
18a74e3b0b moving public/* to .
fyrfli closed pull request fyrfli/jsquotes#1 2024-11-08 12:32:04 -06:00
Clearing the "New pull request" message.
fyrfli created pull request fyrfli/jsquotes#1 2024-11-08 12:31:53 -06:00
Clearing the "New pull request" message.
fyrfli pushed to main at fyrfli/jsquotes 2024-11-08 12:31:02 -06:00
6939828b38 no need for a copy of the json file in the repo [skip ci]
32618ced22 no need for a copy of the json file in the repo
Compare 2 commits »
fyrfli pushed to main at fyrfli/jsquotes 2024-11-08 12:29:43 -06:00
8f6387ea72 updated README - again [skip ci]
fyrfli pushed to main at fyrfli/jsquotes 2024-11-08 12:29:16 -06:00
12a7e712d8 updated README - again [skip ci]
fyrfli pushed to main at fyrfli/jsquotes 2024-11-08 12:25:53 -06:00
4fa0dd31eb updated README - again [skip ci]
fyrfli pushed to main at fyrfli/jsquotes 2024-11-08 12:19:12 -06:00
98d8652116 removed the woodpecker workflow file; update README